
For Café Bazaar, both quality and quantity of content is a necessity. The content of your app must be significantly different from the sort of stuff our user can easily find on the Internet. Excursive, incoherent content will not pass the review process.

Apps with diffusive or irrelevant content will not be published on Café Bazaar.

Beside app content, features, user interface and usability is also vital. Apart from the tools used for app development, Every app must have quality and acceptable UI for publication.

If your App is of no use, or if it’s not unique nor provide some form of entertainment, or if your app is plain creepy, it may not be accepted.For example:

-  Applications similar to the developer’s previous apps or apps which have the same content or capability published by other developers may not be accepted. Also sending numerous apps with different contents but the same design will cause preventing acceptance.
- Apps that are designed predominantly for the display of ads will be rejected.
- Apps with the primary function of lottery or gambling will be rejected.
- Apps that are simply websites bundled and do not have integrated content will be rejected.
- Apps that crash or exhibit bugs will be rejected.
- operations which can be done natively, should not take place online or in webview mode.

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Publish Date: 1400-04-11 15:01

Latest Update: 1400-04-13 09:59