
Considering technical component, content and hints about designing an application results in a prosperous application. In this page we made a roster of most common reasons for application publication prevention. Knowing and utilizing them will help to make a more professional application.

Unfriendly UI

A complex UI is counted as defective and apps with such an interface will not get published in CafeBazaar. Inappropriate design, unreadable words and poor pictures and also using prepared templates without addition of any specific or valuable content is put in this category.

Inferior content

Apps with repetitious, limited, incomplete, none beneficial, Scattered and unrelated content or with only advertising and marketing purposes will not get published in CafeBaazar. Your application should provide more value than just a simple search for users. Before developing an application, by just skimming applications existing in the same category, you can find useful data in this regard. 

Duplicate programs

Applications simulating same experience in content, user interface or having the same functionality with previous applications might not get published. Developers should create value by producing new contents or providing unique services. Also instead of developing small applications it is better to develop a comprehensive one. If your application have missfunction you can publish an update for it. For publishing an application that has the same function as a previous app, you have to unpublish the first application. 

Violation of security and privacy

Preserving users’ privacy has always been a priority for CafeBazaar. Users need to be sure about their security, while using an application. 

To do so, if you have access to personal or sensitive information of a user, you have to explain the reasons for this access and how you use these data, transparently. Access to and aggregation of these data is accepted only when it is related to application functionality and users should be aware of the existence of these permissions. 

Technical issues

Before requesting an application publication, make sure it is complete and works properly. It is better to test it on different devices. Applications encountering an error, will not get published. 

Even after the publication of the application, you need to make sure the application continue working properly. 

False appeal for installing apps

Publishing an application with descriptions that deceive users or contains false information, is not possible.category, name, icone and description of an application should describe the application quality and function and guide users to introduce the product before installing it. We recommend you to update them in every while.

Copyright violation

CafeBazaar adheres copyright and application violating this law will not get published in cafebazaar. If you use any other source to develop your application, you should mention the sources in application and if the content rights of the app are yours, please point it out. It is developer’s responsibility to provide the owner’s consent and if the main source, require users to comply with copyright, Submission of confirmation via official e-mail to cafebazaar is essential.

Publishing other developer’s applications without their permission or only translating an application in order to benefit is not possible. 

Other Violations

More than ten percent of applications will not publish because of following reasons:

  • After implementing cafebazaar IAB make sure of its proper function
  • Application contents should not contradict social ethics, contain sensitive or unsuitable contents
  • Before requesting application publication, fill in all the description sections and if necessary send us test information
  • Prevent requesting again before making asked alteration

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