
Multi-day Notification:

Notification: By publishing your app on Bazar, you accept the "Application Publishing Rules", Bazar has no obligation to send notice before removing program or before blocking developer account.

If your application violates our rules, we may send you a notice and give a few days to resolve it. Do not ignore this message. This means that the program is about to be suspended, failure to address the issue or re-publishing the program that has the same problem will result in program being deleted or your development account being blocked.

Note that operating declarations may not include all program or program bugs. The developer is obliged to diagnose the problem by studying the rules of Bazar and ensure that his or her other programs do not violate Bazar rules. Failure to recognize the application forms may permanently remove the program or block your account.If you see an infringement in other programs, you can send us a link for review.

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Publish Date: 1400-04-11 16:14

Latest Update: 1400-04-12 11:01