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Cafe Bazaar supports a variety of monetization strategies. To ensure the best user experience, we require you to comply with these policies.

- We do not set or offer any prices for any App. If you want to set a relevant price for your App, you can check the price of other similar Apps, evaluate and decide the best price for your product.

- If at the time of publication of the App, the proposed price is zero, there will be no chance to set a price for your App and sell it in the future. If you think the app you already published for free is qualified for sale or became qualified after an update, you need to publish it as a new app with a new price.

- Apps that can help and support recognized charitable institutions should be free and use web browser payments. You need to send the authorization of such institutions along with your app. 

- Users should not pay more than once for an app; paid apps are not allowed for in-app payments for another part of the app, unless the content is of a different kind and in-store.


Enabling internal features and tools of an app, full access to content, gaining credits and other features should only be done through CafeBazaar payment channel and no other alternative or parallel channels are accepted. 

  • Before asking user to use in-app payment, the developer must clearly explain what user will receive against paying a specific amount. 
  • If the developer is willing to receive a payment from his users as program support, then it is necessary to use Bazaar in-app payment.
  • Programs may not directly or indirectly provide any possibility of giving any functionality or buyable digital content to be purchased through in-app payments to other users as gift.
  • To use the features of the developer program, users should not be forced to buy services, purchase other goods or engage in marketing or advertising.
  • In apps that you can buy loot boxes or random purchasing mechanisms for virtual items, it’s necessary to display items that are available before purchase.
  • Programs that allow the use of services or content as a periodic subscription, must do it through Bazaar sharing service and are required to provide services by the end of user subscription period.
  • Before asking user to subscribe to periodic subscription purchase, the developer must clearly explain what user will receive against the specific amount payment.
  • If the developer automatically renews user's subscription, in the event of changes in his product or service during the subscription period, he must remain loyal to the service in accordance with the obligations given in the subscription service. It is necessary for these services to be available on all devices and the duration of the subscription period is not less than seven days.
  • You can use a subscription payment for your apps and games, but you cannot use it for apps and games not owned by you. Programs/games which use a subscription payment must be exclusively owned by a developer.
  • Periodic payment should work correctly on all of user devices on which the application is installed.
  • If you would like to change the purchase method to periodic payment purchase in your program, you should not remove access to original features that current users has paid for them. For example, if user has already purchased your app in full, let it continue to use the application in full after applying the periodic payment method. 
  • If you do not use a periodic payment, it is suggested that you put a free trial period in place to give users the opportunity to experience the program. Before activating trial period, you need to clearly explain the length of period and features that user will benefit from, and make it clear that after this period these features will only be accessible by payment.
  • Virtual currencies that are used within the application should only be used in the application from which the purchase was made.
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Publish Date: 1400-04-11 15:57

Latest Update: 1400-04-14 12:18