
We and you are committed to maintain user's privacy and providing a secure environment for him. Malicious applications that exploit user's personal information or device will not be released on Café Bazaar at all.

Keeping the security of users for Bazaar is highly important. For this reason, if the application has a complicated function; asks user unnecessary access; or has access  to sensitive information of user, it will not be accepted by Bazaar for publication. But in some cases there may be exceptions. If the access is not related to the main function of the program, but subject to all the rules, the developer provides a clear and convincing explanation of the need for the correct use of the intended access and the lack of an alternative solution, the publishing of the program may be provided. Notice this is a rare occurrence and there is no possibility of unnecessary accesses in the program.

  • Internet shops that intend to publish a program related to their store on Bazaar are required to receive Electronic Trust Symbol "e-namad" from E-Commerce Development Center.
  • Internet payments for programs which need this capability, are required to carry it out through secure gates approved by the central bank and display in browser.
  • Programs should not point to other stores or content or game distribution sites or provide access to applications from sources other than Bazaar.
  • Apps downloaded from Café Bazaar should be the latest updated version of program. Placing old versions of the app on Bazaar and refusing to update it is not allowed.
  • Apps downloaded from Café Bazaar should only be updated on Bazaar. Replacing, modifying and updating the program is not acceptable in any other way.
  • If your program does not have the features required to access certain information from user or registration, let user access your product without registering and registering personal information. It is not allowed to take personal information from user except in cases directly related to the functionality of program.
  • Using Intent: Sensitive tasks which require security and transparency in program, or create for user costs such as texting or making phone calls, should be done as much as possible through Intent.

 Android apps can do a lot of things using Intent so does not require permissions to do that. While using Internet, what's supposed to be done for user need to be clarified for and verified by user. For example, when you send SMS with Intent, your application does not require "text messaging" access, and also text of the massage to be sent and received text to user is displayed and user can reject or send it.

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