
Each day millions of users visit Cafe Bazaar’s homepage as well as category pages, receiving high-quality apps. High-quality apps are nevertheless displayed in a user-friendly environment in Cafe Bazaar category pages.

Here you will get to know what it takes to make a high-quality app that would make it to the top apps on Bazaar. There are three sets of criteria for that:

1. Generally required features which are applicable to all apps.

2. Specifically required features which are limited to apps or games.

3. Incentive features which are not required, but can create advantage for when apps and games are assessed.

Apps in whose development attention is paid to these features as well as apps which remove their bugs as they introduce updates will be promoted on Cafe Bazaar homepage and other pages.

1. Generally required features

These should be taken into account for apps and games to make it to top apps:

1.1. User experience: Users should be able to use the app easily and without confusion. There should not be any complicated procedures or giving unnecessary information for users to be able to use key features of the app.

1.2. App page content: The app page content should be of ample quality. Choosing a good name, icon, pictures, high-quality video, as well as professional descriptions on app page count here.

Since the quality of icon, name, and app descriptions play key roles in Cafe Bazaar’s assessment as well as ensuring visual and content quality of pages, please refer to guidelines on designing iconsnaming, and description writing.

1.3. Performance: Seamless performance is a must for top apps.

1.4. User interface: The app’s UI must enjoy minimum requirements of graphic design and user interaction.

1.5. Compliance with professional competition rules and principles: Apps that trespass Cafe Bazaar’s rules, vie in unfair and fraudulent ways to be promoted on Cafe Bazaar lists, or provide Cafe Bazaar or users with any sort of false, misleading information will not be introduced on homepage or category pages.

1.6. User dissatisfaction: Cafe Bazaar only promotes apps that do not face significant negative user feedback.

1.7. Fair pricing: Paid apps, in-app products, as well as subscriptions should come at prices analogous to their value and quality. Also, in-app purchase should not restrict users too much, so that they would be able to use parts of the app for free.

1.8. Innovation: Apps or games which model a popular predecessor already offered on Cafe Bazaar and lack any special competitive privilege will not be promoted.

1.9. Regular upgrading: Keeping the app up-to-date, considering designs, taking into account the latest Android features, heeding user feedback, etc. are required. Cafe Bazaar will not promote apps which go long without being upgraded.

2. Specifically required features _ Apps:

Cafe Bazaar top apps should enjoy the following features:

2.1. Value creation: Cafe Bazaar top apps that offer real, stable value to users.

2.2. Originality: Cafe Bazaar top apps cannot be mere copies or repetition of other apps. Neither can they have been created by app makers or book makers.

2.3. Content validity: Cafe Bazaar promotes apps whose content is valid and which introduce a valid source for their content.

2.4. Ampleness of content: Cafe Bazaar promotes apps that offer ample content to their users.

3. Specifically required features _ Games:

Cafe Bazaar top games should enjoy:

3.1. Originality: Cafe Bazaar top games cannot be mere copies of or use duplicate content in their design. Neither are promoted games which have been created by making slight changes to ready-made packages or projects.

3.2. Game experience: Games should provide gamers with comprehensible trajectory and experience and not be confined to incomprehensible features.

4. Incentive features

The following features, although not required, will leave positive impact for Cafe Bazaar promotion:

4.1. Universality of users: Priority is given to apps and games which do not limit their users to a specific location, gender, age, profession, etc.

4.2.Localization: Localized design and indigenous production of apps and games are positively assessed. Localization is not limited to the use of the Persian language. Socio-cultural elements play a big role in how local an app or game becomes.

4.3. Temporal relevance: In case the subject matter of the app relates to an occasion, event, or any socially current issue, the app will enjoy some advantage during assessment. Developers can propose their apps to Developer Support ahead of events and occasions.

4.4. User reception: How significant the app’s number of installations, sales, or ranking is can determine its promotion by Cafe Bazaar.

4.5. Cafe Bazaar exclusive release: Access to exclusive content will boost user satisfaction. So, in case developers have not released their app in any Android market other than in Cafe Baazar, they would have the chance to indicate this in their requests. After review and verification, this can also contribute to a positive assessment of the app.

4.6. Business model: Choosing an efficient business model (paid, in-app purchase, subscription) can facilitate positive assessment.

Developers who consider their apps as meeting the above requirements can submit a detailed request to Cafe Bazaar Developer Support. We will review the requests, and if verified, the app will be duly introduced on Cafe Bazaar pages.

Cafe Bazaar will also correspond with developers of top apps over plans such as The Day’s Free App, Percent Discounts, as well as In-App Discounts.

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