
This function returns status of purchase and consume of an in-app purchase.<package_name>/inapp/<product_id>/purchases/<purchase_token>/

You should fill the values in the angle brackets according to your request:

NameExpected Value
package_namePackage name of the app in which product of the request purchase is defined.
product_idSKU of the product.
purchase_tokenPurchase token returned by Bazaar to app.

Note that you need a valid access_token to use this method.

The result will look similar to:

   "consumptionState": 1,
   "purchaseState": 0,
   "kind": "androidpublisher#inappPurchase",
   "developerPayload": "something",
   "purchaseTime": 1414181378566

The description of each field is as followed:

consumptionStateThe consumption state of requested purchase. This field is 0, if the purchase is consumed, and 1 otherwise.
purchaseStateThe purchase state of requested purchase. Normally this field is 0, but if the purchase is refunded it is 1.
kindType of the returned resource. This will always be androidpublisher#inappPurchase
developerPayloadThe payload string that is sent to Bazaar by app when making the purchase.
purchaseTimeTime of the purchase as milliseconds from EPOCh (1970/1/1).

In case of an error, you'll recieve a response with 40X status code, with a body of JSON object containing an error field which specifies the error and an error_description field explaining the cause of error. For example, if the requested purchase is not found, the response would have a 404 status code and this content:

   "error": "not_found",
   "error_description": "The requested purchase is not found!",

Notice: You can be sure that requested purchase is not done, only when error is equal to not_found. This might occur when the user of your app is trying to fake purchases.

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Publish Date: 1400-04-11 12:47

Latest Update: 1400-04-14 17:01